My Lifelong Bucket List

As a self-proclaimed dreamer, I have always had a bucket list in my head, and its about time I make them more concrete by forming an actual list. Some of these may seem hard to accomplish but this is my life bucket list not just for a year, so there are a million possibilities!  Hopefully by the end of a few years I will have accomplished at least a couple of these adventures.

  1. Backpack through Iceland and witness the Northern Lights
  2. Meet J.K Rowling and likely cry in front of her
  3. Be an extra in a (good) film
  4. Go on a road trip across America
  5. See real molten lava in Hawaii thus living out my Lilo and Stich inspired dreams
  6. Hike up Table Mountain (South Africa)
  7. Publish a children’s book
  8. Visit a “Blue-Zone”
  9. Spend a night somewhere haunted
  10. Go on a cruise to Antartica
  11. Visit a French speaking country and use no English
  12. Bungee jump or sky dive (or both)
  13. Swim with dolphins (but first learn to swim)
  14. Have a conversation with Emma Watson
  15. Drink fresh coconut water in Bali
  16. Watch one of my mentees graduate
  17. Go hardcore camping with only the bare necessities
  18. Help paint a mural
  19. Skydive
  20. Talk to all the characters at Disney
  21. Learn to play an instrument well

Welcome to 2017

It may seem cliché, but I absolutely love New Year resolutions. This is likely due to the fact that I am way too reflective for my own good. Either way, here are my resolutions for 2017! Lets hope I actually follow through with them.

  1. Simply do things I enjoy more often. Once I began college my to do lists have unsurprisingly gotten much longer. My free time has been spent on things that require no effort (marathoning Project Runway on Netflix). In high school I used to have so many hobbies, but they somehow got left behind and replaced with huge textbooks and reality shows. In 2017 I want to do things that I used to enjoy such as simply reading for pleasure instead of coursework, make art just because, and go for casual runs outdoors (no treadmills allowed this year).
  2. Be more grateful. In 2016, I think I took too many things in my life for granted. I want every day of 2017 to be cherished even if I feel like utter shit.
  3. Learn how to cook. If everything goes as planned I may be living in an apartment in the coming year, so this resolution is mainly so I don’t live off ramen and take-out.
  4. Be open to vulnerability. I am not the most trusting or open person. This is something very abstract so I’m not sure of any concrete steps to make this happen, but I think it needs to be on the forefront of my mind. With vulnerability, we experience true connection—true love for ourselves—and begin to attract people to us who are worth being a part of our lives.

16 Things that Happened in 2016

  1. I snagged a ticket to my university’s basketball team against our rival school and made it onto their instagramimg_2693
  2. Three friends and I went on a spontaneous camping trip right before midterms.
  3. People threw color at me to celebrate Holi and help me learn about a different religion.
  4. To celebrate the end of finals and making the dean’s list, I saw Broadway’s The Lion King and restrained from singing along.
  5. My older sister graduated!!!!
  6. My school’s chaplaincy sponsored me and eight other girls on a trip to Bali, Indonesia to explore religious pluralism and its connection to social issues in the area.
  7. One week later I boarded a plane to spend three months interning at a nonprofit giving schoolchildren mental health services in Mochudi, Botswana.
  8. I lived on my own for the first time in my live and proved to myself that I can be independentscreen-shot-2016-12-20-at-7-43-59-pm
  9. I ran my second 5k, and my time definitely improved.
  10. I saw several of my favorite artists including Purity Ring, Misterwives, and Troye Sivan.
  11. I went apple picking on a mountain orchard and have the best apple cider doughnuts.
  12. I did a semester of research with my favorite psychology professor and became closer with a great group of people and strengthened my research skills.
  13. Several birthdays helped me discover the best dessert restaurant.
  14. I voted in a general Presidential election for the first time, although it didn’t go as I wanted.screen-shot-2016-12-20-at-7-44-14-pm
  15. I was accepted to spend my spring semester studying abroad in Melbourne, Australia.
  16.  I spent lots of little moments laughing with friends and family. Sometimes it isn’t the big events that stand out, but the little midnight chats and inside jokes.I am incredibly grateful for the people 2016 brought and kept in my life, and look forward to spending many many many more years with them.

Lessons from Abroad

This past year I have been incredible lucky to go on some amazing trips. I am fortunate enough to attend a university that places an emphasis on international exposure so in the past year and a half they have sent me to Botswana, England, and Indonesia. These trips were all for various reasons. I had an internship over the summer in Botswana, a chaplaincy sponsored pilgrimage to Indonesia, and a scholar’s networking event in England. Over the course of my travels there are some lessons that I hope I never forget, which is why they will live forever on this blog in case I need to be reminded.

  • Smiles and nods will take you further than you think.
  • Food is the universal way to the heart.
  • Travel is less about where you go and more about who you’re with.
  • Adventures don’t just happen; they must be pursued.
  • The quiet is just as important as the noise.
  • Religion can separate but also pull together.
  • Similarities speak louder than differences.
  • Sometimes kids don’t need a stepping stone, but the courage to jump.
  • “Music is like life, just follow the beat.” -Pap Wayan
  • Focus on the present during the day and the future at night.
  • Simpler is by no means lesser.
  • The bonds of family and friends are as tight as you allow.
  • Photographs only capture one sense.
  • “Sleep is for the weak not the week” -Liz

Dream Destinations

As a dreamer, I have always had a bucket list of the top places in the world that I  want to visit. I may not visit all of these places, but that won’t stop me from day dreaming and creating elaborate pinterest boards about them.

1.) Reykjavik, Iceland

The mixture of an urban city with stunning natural scenery immediately drew me to Reykjavik the moment I saw a picture of it. I adore winter weather, so I would love to get a look at those glaciers up close. As the safest, cleanest, and most ecofriendly city in the world, who wouldn’t want to go there?

2.) Cape Town, South Africa

Can you already sense the trend of large cities with nature nearby? It would be a dream come true to climb to the top of Table Mountain and get a view of the city and beaches. There is also such a rich history due to colonization, which really excites my closeted history nerd heart.

3.) Paris, France

I studied French for 6 years, so I would love to test my knowledge of the language and culture firsthand. There is so much to see and do in Paris, I could spend weeks there. Ideally, I would like to go on July 14th to see how they celebrate Bastille Day, which also just happens to be my birthday!

4.) Antarctica

Okay this one may sound a bit weird, but like I said I love winter and just look at that stunning view! Also penguins!! Now I just need to find some money for an insanely expensive trip there…

5.) Bangkok, Thailand

This city has so many beautiful landmarks that I could spend hours admiring. The whole city just shouts bright and beautiful to me. Not to mention the delicious food stands at every corner.

Those are my top 5 places that are on my bucket list, but honestly if you give me a plane ticket anywhere, I will take it without hesitation.